ASA KB-1 VFR Kneeboard
ASA's KB-1 VFR kneeboard provides a firm surface for writing IFR clearances/VFR navigation and keeping charts etc.
Retail Price: $29.95 CDN
ASA KB3 Tri-Fold Kneeboard
ASA's tri-fold kneeboard is useful to organize charts and nav logs for VFR flight. The middle part is metal with a clip to permit a firm writing surface for entering flight log data. Compartments can be used to store charts, pens etc.
Retail Price: $49.95 CDN
Jeppesen VFR Tri-Fold Kneeboard
Jeppesen's well made, sturdy tri-fold kneeboard is useful to organize charts and nav logs for VFR flight. The middle part is metal with a clip to permit a firm writing surface for entering flight log data. Compartments can be used to store charts, pens etc. The longer length permits enclosing standard VNC without folding.
Retail Price: $69.95 CDN
ASA KB-3L Tri-Fold Kneeboard
ASA's long model tri-fold kneeboard is useful to organize charts and nav logs for VFR flight. The middle part is metal with a clip to permit a firm writing surface for entering flight log data. Compartments can be used to store charts, pens etc. The longer length permits enclosing standard VNC without folding.
Retail Price: $89.95 CDN