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Culhane Aviation Training Manuals


Private Pilot - Aeroplane Online Exams (PPAER)

  • Includes 4 X 100-question, autograding Private Pilot - Aeroplane Exams (PPAER) with answer keys and cross references
  • Perfect assessment tool for those in final stages of exam prep looking for accurate indication of readiness to sit actual exam
  • 60 days single user unlimited access
  • User ID and Password supplied within 24 hours of purchase
  • Requires access to Culhane Private Pilot and Recreational Pilot Written Test Book (most current edition) for tables, charts, and illustrations
  • Answers to exams are cross referenced to our training text Culhane Private Pilot and Recreational Pilot Ground School Course, current edition
  • These PPAER online exams are completely unique and independent and have not been sourced or duplicated from any of our other exam texts

To purchase, please select from the following options and select "buy it now!"



PPAER Online Exams (60 days) + Private Pilot and Recreational Pilot Written Test Book

This option includes 60 days access to our Private Pilot Online Exams (PPAER), along with our Private Pilot and Recreational Pilot Written Test Book, which will be needed to access charts and tables referred to in our Online Exams. Price: $174.95




PPAER Online Exams (60 days) + Private Pilot and Recreational Pilot Written Test Book + Private Pilot and Recrational Pilot Ground School Course

This option includes 60 days access to our Private Pilot Online Exams (PPAER), along with our Private Pilot and Recreational Pilot Written Test Book, which will be needed to access charts and tables referred to in our Online Exams, plus our text Private Pilot and Recreational Pilot Ground School Course, which provides foundational background and cross references for all questions in our online exams. Price: $324.95




PPAER Online Exams (60 days) no texts

This option is for those that already have our text Private Pilot and Recreational Pilot Written Test Book, which will be needed to access charts and tables referred to in our Online Exams. Price: $74.95



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All contents (c) COPYRIGHT, Michael J. Culhane.