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Culhane Aviation Training Manuals


Frequently Asked Questions - Page 6

I would like to buy several of your training texts as a single purchase. Can you offer me a special discount for a purchase of multiple texts? Yes we offer discounted prices on current Culhane training manuals for purchases of at least 2 or more per title, per order: go to our Online Store and reduced pricing will be provided automatically for volume orders.

I went to one of your authorized Culhane dealers and they did not have a text of yours that I wanted to buy. Shouldn't your authorized dealers have all of your current texts available from their store? We think so! But since all of our authorized dealers are independent businesses, they are free to make their own choices as to what products they will carry and what levels of on-hand inventory they will keep. We have no control over the volumes and mix of product inventory that our authorized retailers will keep in their store; if they do not have one of our training manuals on hand that you would like to purchase, we can only suggest that you ask them to order in more product inventory from us (or from an authorized Culhane trade distributor) and have the dealer call you when they have our current products on hand. Please simply ask them to order in our title - our authorized dealers will be pleased to get you our text ASAP! Alternatively, you can always obtain our training manuals from another authorized Culhane dealer in your area or order you can always our products directly from us 24/7 at our Online Store.

Do you offer exam prep seminars at YVR airport? Not at this time.

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